Why I Am Addicted to Social Media

I have been off Facebook and Instagram for almost a week now. To some people that is unthinkable. To others, its not a big deal. I am a twenty something female still trying to get my life together, so for me, and many other people like me, social media is a big part of our lives. We grew up with it. We molded it to our lives and made it apart of us. Now, its not necessarily a bad thing, expect when it is used in excess, like many people seem to do. I was one of those people who posted something every other day or tried to wait to post once a week to make it seem like I wasn’t addicted. But in reality I was on each site looking at nothing between 1 and 4 hours a day!

Now I’m sitting here, social media-clean for almost a week and I thought about checking my Facebook page. What’s the big deal? It’s just a couple of minutes. Then I thought….why? Here are reasons why I use and love social media:

  1. I can spy on other people and see how much better or worse their lives are in comparison to mine.

  2. I can see who “liked” anything I posted and therefore feel better about myself if they do

  3. I will also feel worse about myself if nobody does

  4. I want people to write on my wall or comment on my pictures so I can feel popular or like someone is thinking about me.

  5. I want to make someone else feel like they are being thought about, so i’ll interact with their profile in some type of way.

  6. I look at everyone’s Instagram page and wonder “How the hell did they get over 1,000 followers?”

  7. I will also look at the female’s pictures to see why they have over 100 likes on each picture….(because she has really good lighting…her camera is better than mine…she’s got in weave, duh….oh the wonders of makeup)

  8. I plot how I can get more likes on my next post by doing more “research”

  9. I have to see what my crush is up to but he can’t know that I’m spying on him so I don’t follow him or am not friends with him but look him up through search everyday just to be aware.

  10. Who is that girl that put kissy faces on his picture?

  11. Why won’t anyone tag me in a photo?

  12. I want people I don’t know to see me and ask “who is that?”

  13. I’m totally self obsessed but will never admit it because she is OBVIOUSLY way more self obsessed then me due to all of her selfies

  14. To look at funny pictures and save them all to my phone so I can show other people and laugh at them later….duh2014-11-26 15.17.30

Yeah. Social media is a great thing. Don’t you agree?

Reasons Why I Will Never Be Considered A Conventional Beauty


Light skin. Above average height. Womanly curves. I think I look pretty great in this picture. Its one of my better ones. So what’s the problem?

I’m not photogenic. Our world today is based on moments captured in a still frame and that is how we determine an objects beauty. This goes for people as well. Instagram, Facebook and any other social media site based purely on images and the rating system of “likes”.

It doesn’t make any sense. I seem like a person that could possibly be considered beautiful right? At least that’s what people tell me. But my instagram page would have you thinking otherwise. When I put up a photo I am happy if I can get 10-15 likes. To my peers this means I am not considered “relevant”. How do I know this? They’ve told me. Trust me.

I’ve tried to get more “likes” because I wanted to be more relevant. I posted more selfies, hoping that would make a difference. Body shots also. Guess which ones got more likes? It definitely had nothing to do with my face. Plus I don’t wear makeup too often either.

The whole point of this blog is to show how one can alter themselves to be more acceptable but still be in tune with themselves and ultimately make themselves better. That’s what I hope to do.

Onii Fetta : Life in the Making